«I hate it when men slap girls bums, do they think it makes them more of a man? Lick her bum n ass Not slap it, n doggie she is Not my dog I also love taller girls so I can suck their tits as am shagging them, I need to kiss when am having sex with a woman n I badly want to face her she has so much to lick n see her satisfuctio when you mmade her happy n I'd rather giver her oral than receive from her both doing it is good too»
«10/10 and old lil Wayne playing garentee that's someone's mom now»
«I hate it when men slap girls bums, do they think it makes them more of a man? Lick her bum n ass Not slap it, n doggie she is Not my dog I also love taller girls so I can suck their tits as am shagging them, I need to kiss when am having sex with a woman n I badly want to face her she has so much to lick n see her satisfuctio when you mmade her happy n I'd rather giver her oral than receive from her both doing it is good too»